Skill Drill Saturday by Little T Fitness Sponsored by Lebert Fitness - Pistol Squat Progression 1
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Skill Drill Saturday by Little T Fitness Sponsored by Lebert Fitness - Pistol Squat Progression 1

Pistol Squat Progressions with Little T


1)Standing leg kick pulses: While the bottom leg is straight and hips are square raise your free standing leg to 90 degrees and pulse it upwards - goal is to not let the leg drop below 90 degrees. 3 x 10-12 reps each leg

2)Elevated pistol squat negatives: Goal is to keep the freestanding leg as high as you can while you lower to the bottom of a pistol squat. To start the leg can hanging beside you but as you progress try to lift it to 90 degrees 3 x 8-10

3)Lateral step-down with leg raise: Free-standing leg will be hanging beside you as you slowly lowering so that only the heel touches the ground. Once your heel makes contact raise the leg to 90 degrees and then return it back to the ground and stand. 3 x 8-10

4)Band assisted pistol squats: Goal is to keep the freestanding leg as high as you can while you perform the band assisted pistol squat. The band allows you to focus more attention on maintaining a raised freestanding leg rather than the strength of supporting leg. To start the leg can be low but as you progress try to lift it 90 degrees 3 x 8-10

Biggest Tip: A pistol squat requires strength and mobility in both legs so make sure you are working the supporting and freestanding leg. Majority of people struggle with pistol squats because the freestanding leg tends to drop to the ground as its “heavy” and often makes the upward push awkward and hard. The above drills are meant to help strengthen your core and hip flexors so that the free standing leg can help with the upward momentum rather than hinder it.