Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

In an age of information overload, how can we educate ourselves and take ownership of our health? With so many brands and influencers competing for our attention and money - often promoting competing or contradictory advice – it’s no wonder that many people feel overwhelmed or confused.


While far from an exhaustive list, here are a few important biometrics that I think everyone should know when it comes to preventing cardiovascular disease, a leading (and sadly PREVENTABLE) cause of death in the US and Canada. Check out the graphics below for more info!

Cholesterol Hemoglobin bmi Exercise  

(Not included in graphics – “# of cigarettes smoked”. Smoking is a major preventable cause of cancer and cardiovascular disease! If you smoke, please talk to your doctor and seek out resources for quitting – probably the BEST decision you could ever make for your health.)


A healthy diet and regular exercise are POWERFUL lifestyle tools for preventing and even treating conditions like high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, or diabetes – however genetics also play a large role in terms of who may be affected. That’s why it’s so important for even healthy, active people to be screened! (Note that not all people need to be tested for all of these at all times. For example, a young, normal-weight person may not need an A1C checked.)


For more information on medical dietary and lifestyle recommendations, visit (Spoiler alert – it’s pretty basic, but effective stuff!)


Also, please ask your doctor about age-appropriate cancer screenings, like mammograms or colonoscopies, which save lives!