Profile: EQualizers In Mohawk College

Equalizers in Mohawk College

Serving Over 30,000 Students, Fitness Plays a Key Role at Mohawk College.

Our campus boasts both a recreational fitness center and a separate teaching gym used in college programs. We purchased the Lebert EQualizers as a way to add variety to the equipment offering, but we quickly realized they were far more than just another piece of equipment.

They truly are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment in our facility. Catering to a wide range of fitness abilities, the Lebert EQualizer has allowed us to provide many variations of exercises to our clients, from beginners all the way to varsity level athletes. Being used in the fitness center for recreational use in current times, the Lebert EQualizer is one of the easiest pieces of equipment to move around and properly space out to allow for adequate distancing.

They can be sanitized in a matter of minutes and be used both as a standalone piece of equipment for a single user, or as a tool in group fitness classes which allows us to deploy them quickly based on needs and facility capacity limits. We have students of all abilities in our program, and the Lebert EQualizer has been an invaluable option for these students, providing them with a chance to engage in purposeful movement and create new ways to train. Access to the Lebert library of exercises online provides a great resource for both our students and our gym-goers — they don’t just have to “figure it out.” The versatility and effectiveness of the Lebert EQualizer is unparalleled — this is a product with purpose and a company with heart.

“Although the global pandemic forced massive change on our industry overnight, what has not changed is community and recreation centres are critical to the health and well-being of so many people.” -Tara-Lyn Dinyer, M.Sc., B.Kin., CSCS, PTS, FIS, is a professor and the program coordinator for the School of Health Studies at Mohawk College.


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