Bodyweight Strength Training + Kickboxing = the Ultimate Fitness Regimen

Bodyweight Strength Training + Kickboxing = the Ultimate Fitness Regimen

Authors: 9Round, Lebert Fitness


What are the most important aspects to fitness as people age and want to stay as strong and healthy for as long as possible?

Strength training? Cardiovascular health? Balance? Weight management? Mental engagement?

All the above! But amongst the many fitness types, how do you pick the one that is most effective?

If there is a passion you have for a specific sport or other movement-based fitness, then that’s probably the main one for you. However, if you are looking for a way to be ‘all-around’ strong physically and mentally, then combining kickboxing with bodyweight-based strength training is for you.

What are the benefits of kickboxing and bodyweight strength training?

High-intensity interval training workouts, like 9Round, are known to rev up your metabolism and get your heart pumping. Through learning how to effectively kick and punch, these programs can be extremely effective for losing fat, building strength and lean muscle mass, improving the mind-body connection, and improving endurance.

Bodyweight strength training emphasizes movements that mimic real-life activities, promoting functional fitness. Squats, lunges, pushing, and pulling movements all engage multiple muscle groups, enhancing strength and coordination relevant to everyday tasks.

This practical approach to fitness not only builds a strong foundation but also contributes to improved overall mobility and flexibility. Using pragmatic and versatile bodyweight training tools, like our Lebert EQualizer bars or the HIIT suspension trainer from Lebert Fitness, make strength training accessible and challenging for all fitness levels.

The Power of Kickboxing and Enhanced Bodyweight Training Combined

The circuit-based approach adopted by 9Round is a strategic balance between kickboxing, weight training, and bodyweight strength training. Imagine 9, 3-minute intervals that incorporate kicking and punching and strength training, using tools such as the Lebert EQualizer exercise bars, Lebert suspension trainer, dumbbells and more.

In between each round is a 30-second active break…that is if you considering things like burpees or jumping jacks rest!

What you end up with is a very effective and efficient blend that hits your full body with muscle building and amazing endurance exercises. Not too much kicking or punching nor too much strength training… just 30 minutes of heart and endorphin-pumping movement!

Top Nine (Round) Benefits for Your Health

  1. Heart-Healthy Training
    Cardio is an important part of anyone’s fitness training, as you need to build up your stamina and endurance to make it through a tough workout without sacrificing performance. 9Round combines cardio and bodyweight strength training very effectively, as it only takes a few minutes to rev up your heart rate.
  1. Increased Muscle Strength and Tone
    Bodyweight exercises build strength without traditional weights, promoting muscle tone and definition. Kickboxing is also demanding on your entire body. It might seem like your arms and legs do all the work, but you are using almost every muscle in your body to punch and kick the bag.
  1. Enhanced Coordination and Balance
    Kickboxing improves coordination, timing, and agility, while bodyweight exercises help develop stability and balance, leading to better overall movement efficiency.
  1. Boosted Metabolism
    This combination creates an effective metabolic boost. Kickboxing burns calories during the workout, while strength training increases muscle mass, which can elevate resting metabolism and help ‘melt’ that fat.
  1. Workouts That Are Never Boring
    Without a fun and unique workout, people tend to give up on their fitness goals because they lack the enthusiasm it takes to keep going. 9Round is the perfect solution as workouts change daily and incorporate punching, kicking, and strength training into a single session, so you never get bored with your workout routine.
  1. Mental Health & Effective Stress Relief
    Kickboxing is an excellent method for managing stress while also getting a killer workout, so you can knock out two things at once. Both kickboxing and strength training release endorphins, helping reduce stress and anxiety. The focus required during these workouts can also improve mental clarity.
  1. Improved Balance & Coordination
    With kickboxing, you must remain light on your feet and able to change your position at any given moment. At 9Round, you won’t be fighting other people, but you will be skillfully striking the bag with different kickboxing combinations that are designed to test your coordination. You’ll use both your hands and feet for various moves, and you’ll also be challenged to use your right and left-hand stance to work on your ambidexterity.
  1. Adaptable to Any Level
    Whether you're a beginner or more advanced, kickboxing and bodyweight training can be tailored to fit your fitness level. At 9Round, you control your own pace during each workout using your heart rate as a guide for reaching the right intensity level to maximize results.
  1. Community and Support
    Joining #9RoundNation fosters a sense of community. Working out with other like-minded members can help motivate you and create a supportive environment where you can become your strongest self.

The Result - Improved Physical & Mental Health

By now, we’re sure you can see why kickboxing fitness combined with bodyweight strength training is the secret weapon you’ve been looking for to improve your fitness level and improve your mental health in a fun and efficient way.

Interested in trying it out? Grab a free workout at the 9Round nearest you!